
Clarity is up to 22 inches and water is taking on a definite green color due to an increased algae bloom. I'm assuming as the clay settles the algae is taking over which is not a bad thing. I have several times the carrying capacity for a pond this size due to feeding so nutrients are probably prolific.

Brian, if bullheads are your problem the aluminum sulfate treatment may only be a temporary fix. You need to get those bullheads out somehow first.

As far as using straw I have sources that say if you go this route it should be hay -- not straw. I am skeptical of much success with even hay as I have an aquaculture book that does not have much faith in it either. You also run the risk of D.O. problems with the hay as it decomposes.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.