I am new to owning a pond.. My pond is also fairly young by pond standards, dug in 2002ish.. I joined this forum because it does have great info and great people.. BUT, I don't take anything I read on the internet as the gospel.. I have been involved in enough forums to read and then read some more.. I am one of the people that cleared ice most of the winter.. Why? Because I wanted my fish to live, oh and the fact that I wanted to give my family a place to skate.. Did I worry to much about my pond this winter, yep that's just who I am.. Do I let my boys ride their bikes without helmets? Yep, do I worry about them crashing and getting hurt, yep..

My pond appears to be okay.. I still have ice but am seeing more and more activity daily.. Have I heard horror stories besides PB this year, yep.. I friend a few years older than me had a major fish kill this year and he never had problems before either.. I guess the little but of time I spent out on the ice working this year keeps me healthy... And it gives my neighbors something to talk about..