I have a 2 surface acre pond that's never been aerated before other than a fountain. I've got muck, weeds, algae, etc. I'm looking to hear from people/customers who've put aerators in existing ponds that may have been suffering from ??? and their results.

Just first hand results from existing pond owners. Someone who's had a aerator system in their pond now for a few years would be welcome with open arms!

Edited by Timinator (09/07/13 06:21 PM)

I read your Q. and all the reply's which were good. For my two cents and IMHO as a novice PB'er with aeration,why I put one in. Of course there a re a lot of Q&A's on this subject and after looking at you pictures one might say WHY? Great looking pond. The reason I did install a diffuser aeration system was fish load per acre 1#, #2 to help reduce muck and smell and just because it happens the reduction in or elimination of pond stratification and the horrors of turnover that can, but does not always, cause a fish kill.
The stratification issue may not be as big a problem in Ohio but it is in the south. Has it done it's job for the goals I have set, yes. since you posted this q in 2013 you may have already made up your mind, but if you have interest still you could contact Sue and she would most likely have documented success with the muck issue you speak of and you would probably need significant surface aeration to affect algae and weeds are a different story on top of that IMHO. IN short I do not think Diffuser aeration nor surface aeration is a end all to your stated issues. But aeration can help in some of your stated issues.
In short my aeration system did help in one of the issues you stated and others you may not be concerned with. It is really basically dissolved oxygen, where it is and where you want it in your BOW. Good luck and let us know what you decide, why and the results, if you get the time.

Last edited by mpc; 03/13/14 09:46 AM. Reason: added statment

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