the expanded shale substrate i have buffers my ph at about 8

yes some of them are, the blood worms are getting eaten, but they havent really figured out where they are coming from yet..they just smell them and find them after a couple of minutes.. i need them to be excited and attack them as soon as they hit the water.. it will probably take a couple of weeks.

no deaths yet, so i feel that any casualties at this point, i cannot blame on stress/travel.

BCP tank is 1.0 ammonia and .25 nitrite this afternoon.. i am going to do a partial water change with the outside aquaponics and add some more substrate

Hybrid tank is .5 ammonia and .25 nitrites. I will not do a water change right now but i will check water again late tonight/early tomorrow and expect i may need to then

While i wasnt expecting cycling problems, this isnt out of the ordinary and having a strategy of how to deal with this without overly stressing the fish or killing them is super important (assuming anyone ever tries to reproduce this experiment)

Last edited by bcotton; 03/10/14 04:53 PM.