
The dam is holding after a year of a quite of bit of rain. We put a couple hundred CNBG an a hundred or so bass that we caught out of a neighbors pond that is trying to thin out his pond. Funds are tight but now that the dam is holding strong we plan to add some fish this year. I have a friend that is allowing us to come in and seine some RES out of his pond and I plan on making a brood pond (Ill start another thread). Stocking this pond the way it should be doesn't look like its going to happen due to funds. I plan on taking the brood pond and raising FHM in it to release in to the pond every year as well as shrimp. I believe I have a supplier for shrimp down here. I think if I can get forage fish established this year or next and then do a true stocking after looking at things at that point then we should be fine. Feel free to give me thoughts on suggestions that we could due with limited funds for this project.