Thanks, Chip.

The local Wal-Mart is trying to get rid of their summer stock of kids swimming pools. Could I suspend swim noodles around the edge and grow stuff in that?

I need an idea for a substrate that wouldn't fall through the root holes, and wouldn't float out of the top of the pool, and would support a cattail root structure. The cattails should grow so rapidly that they would suppress algae formation by serving as a nitrogen sink. Then I could pull it to shore twice a year and remove and discard 3/4 of the cattails.

In the mean time, I've got shade for the fish. \:\) I'm thinking of doing this in my Dad's little pond. It's receiveing about 24 ounces of food each day. I'd need enough plant growth to offset this nutrient load.

Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.