Thanks. I hunt just about any game birds , but I really get into the waterfowl....especially ducks!! I just completed a 1.5 acre pond built around duck hunting but also allows for my #2 favorite 1/2 acre is graded at about 18-24" deep. Just perfect for my feathered friends. This summer I'll plant it in rice and duck millet. Should really have them coming in good this year. I also had an earthen blind built out in the pond about 60' from bank.
Back to the fescue. I have been working hard trying to restore my grasslands back to the original prairie grasses that were there. Fescue moved in and pretty well wiped them out. I've been burning and spraying and seeding . This year I should start seeing the results of all my labor. If you do plant the native grasses and forbs, be patient w/ them. It takes several years to really start seeing them grow. They spend the first year or two developing their root system(some as deep as 15 feet). In the long run they will be a better selection for your
pond both for eroision control and asthestics.
Just be sure to plant a mix of legumes and native warm and cool season grasses to keep things green year round. Good luck w/ your pond!

I'll start treating my wife as good as my dog when she starts retrieving ducks.