Wasn't ever considering this but my septic output is frozen. I have a Norweco Bio-Kinetic Model TNT. It is an aerobic system so no septic field just a discharge pipe. Well while I was in Jersey last week we got about 8" of snow. This ended up clogging the discharge pipe and it is now frozen. This caused the system to go into alarm and shut down due to high water level. I found the discharge pipe and it is frozen solid. I am charging the cordless drill to attempt to drill through the ice to see how far up the pipe it goes. I hope I can get through it. Any other ideas on how to thaw the pipe out (other than wait for spring). I was thinking of starting a charcoal fire on the ground about 2 to 3 feet from the end of the pipe in hopes of thawing out the ground and pipe. Figure this may take a couple of days.