Originally Posted By: Rainman
Sounds/looks incredible David! I would probably cut the CC numbers by 2/3, personally, at least in an initial stocking. 100 CC per acre is kinda high, but quite doable. They will also become a huge biomass in short order even if they can't spawn successfully, taking up resources/space the LMB could occupy along with potentially becoming a tough competition for your LMB! CC are cheap and easy to add in higher numbers at any time, but a real bugger to remove if overstocked!!!

Have you already got enough over abundance of aquatic vegetation for the Grass Carp to eat without removing too much wanted vegetation?

I question the high stocking rate of CC as well.
They are a PITA to remove as they grow older and difficult to remove when becoming hook shy.

But I respect David’s plan – he may love CC for food and fun - they are a blast to catch, just don’t ever release them.
We stocked CC heavily in our original pond – everyone wanted catfish and they did serve a useful purpose – they controlled over population of LMB and we grew some of our largest CNBG!

Not knowing the long range plan for Camelot Bell LMB – there may be a strategy for the numbers of CC – far be it to question David’s stocking plan based on professional advice obtained.
I say go for it – exciting program!

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)