Been out dumping corn every weekend if I can. My Brother and his buddy dump apples and corn all fall through deer season then quit. I don't agree with the quitting part.

Many of my trails have sand that I dumped to make passable in wet times. The turkeys know right where to go for their grit.

Our larger field was in alfalfa last year and had a pretty solid growth coming into winter, but now its buried so deep the deer can't really get to it.

Our snow is quite deep and there's nothing to speak of for layers in the woods. It's all pretty loose and never really melted or packed in. I've kept my mile or so of trails passable for the Ranger and the deer are using the trails quite regularly. Not much Coyote action as they can't get on top here. Dog hunters haven't been out much either as a result.

Last edited by Hesperus; 02/05/14 10:45 AM.