Good point SPRKPLUG. It is all relative.

But relative to the hype? Here is a quote taken from another website promoting HBGL: "This fish will reproduce twice per year which makes it ideally suited for feeding a new or existing bass population. However, this fish will reproduce at 90% male so it won't take over your pond like most bream. It will feed on a commercial feed with annual growth rates of up to 1/2 to 3/4 pound per season. With a good management program in place these fish can reach weights of 2 to 2 1/2 pounds and exceptional fish will reach the weight of 3 pounds or greater! Make the Hybrid Bluegill a part of your management program and reap the rewards for years to come." Compared to this they typically underperform in my experience.

I don't make big claims about HBGL. It is up to folks in the field to report results. I am sure millions of HBGL have been stocked nationwide. Where are all the pictures of huge HBGL from the field? There should be more pictures of these trophies. I can't find many.

It's ALL about the fish!