
Excellent replies and discussion!! I would never plant a cattail if I had my way, but they were there when I bought the pond. Now, I am trying to rehab it to the best extent I can. That means trying to control them, the "rats", and too many weeds.

With respect to the need for weeds, I believe Kelly Duffie is also a proponent of made made cover versus aquatic vegetation. But, I like Andrew's question; what gives a pond its oxyegen if not for vegetation? I know vegetation can take away DO just a fast as it can add to it, but what gets the DO into a pond if there are no plants? So far, in what I have read, plants are good for 1) production of microscopoc organisms, 2) cover for breeeding and hiding of fish, 3) food for birds and naimals, and 4) DO?? Now I know that artificial structure can obviously take care of the cover and microscopic animal production needs. But, am I missing something for the need for vegetation as well? Hence my post.

Again, this is a great discussion and I hope you guys continue it and more members add to it. I don't want any vegetation if I don't need it and will sink artificial any day of the week. But, I also want a great fishing pond, too, with no pea green soup water filled with phyto- and zooplankton. Thanks for keeping this going!!