Originally Posted By: Bill Douglas
I know that this has been covered previously, but could I get a refresher course on fly fishing with Stubby Steve baits. I have bought a supply of SS products and want to use the nuggets to remove some of the grass carp in my lake that routinely feed at the feeder. I am curious about the hook sizes and type of hooks to use and the basic setup. Thanks

Bill, I belive a GC to be the best sport fish in a pond.
I agree with TJ to experiment to find the strongest hook that will float a Stubby.
They are a very “skittish” fish and delicate presentation is necessary - I haven’t tried a Stubby on a bobber but think with a splash the GC will disappear in a flash.

I fish for them with an 8-10wt - they will put you in the backing in a heartbeat and make the hair stand up on the back of your neck. Expect break-offs and straightened hooks with light tackle!

I love to sight fish for them when feeding on pellets with a foam fly - they will sip a fly and remaining GC will keep on feeding if you can direct and fight fish away from feeding area. If removing them is your goal, be sure and take them out or they will be hook shy.

Have fun,


N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)