Originally Posted By: Lovnlivin
Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1
Originally Posted By: jims place
Its been so cold and dry in Kansas that the propane suppliers are rationing propane, firewood is hard to find and the static electricity is ridicules.

Shortage? Really? With all the gas that is being drilled? Sure that's not an excuse to raise the price? Sounds fishy to me.

In September propane was $1.34 a gallon, Wednesday it was just over $2.00, so I ordered some yesterday and it had already gone up to $4.00. Now today according to the paper it's up to $5.00 a gallon.

The delivery guy said there is NO shortage and agrees with you, Cecil! He commented that what we're supposed to be getting from KS is being shipped south and exported. That and a record amount that was sent up North to dry the grain after the fall harvest.

300 gal. in Sept was $400, yesterday $1200.00!

Bought my second infrared heater this morning since I'll now living in a meat locker!

Gotta love the gouging of America! Big business rules. Middle class America not so much!

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.