Don, thanks for the advice about the water lines. I'll probably have a water spigot in the bathroom wall...that way I can avoid having any along the walls. I can always stub one out on the front outside when I trench the water line in. The way our water restrictions are, I am planning on using rainwater catch for washing vehicles and equipment anyway.

I think I'll only have an inch of foam sprayed on the walls, maybe two on the ceiling. If I can prevent the sun from turning it into an oven, that would be great.

Todd, I pulled the truck into it for the first time today and looks are very deceiving...there was plenty of room, even for my crew cab. The plan is to build out the bathroom, and the workbench/tools/cabinets on the short end with the bathroom. I might build a loft there as well. One thing is for sure, everything not nailed down will be on casters.

And thanks for the compliment.

Loretta, I'll definitely wait and wire it first. That'll give me a couple paychecks' time to get the required green for the foam. I will definitely cover the floor. I want to stain it, probably a reddish brown...still looking into that. Yes, you have given me some good advice, and I appreciate it!

Still have to do some trim and the door install, but we're getting close!
