I second both posts. Talk to Nate Herman, and leave the BG out of the mix for now. I'd definately feed, and make sure you stocked pellet trained YP, SMB, HSB. I know the RES in my clients pond are doing well, but they aren't growing fast (he's not feeding and feed trained RES are about impossible to find). Take a look at some of Sprkplug's posts about HBG. I think he's got HBG that are 1.5 lbs after a few years and feeding them good quality food.

Your pond will do better if aerated - the fish can utilize the whole water column and not be limited to the part above the thermocline during the summer, among other reasons.

RES get as big or bigger than BG. HBG grow really fast the first few years, and they are made for kids to catch. HSB will pull a LMB backwards in a pond if tied tail to tail. SMB put on a tremendous aerial display. SMB, if in a pond with LMB need to be periodically restocked due to the LMB out competing them. You can grow 13"-14" YP in a pond relatively easily, and Cecil Baird1 grew one to 16".

All good fish for a pond! Don't forget your forage base too - at the very least FHM to start. GSH will take some predation pressure off the YP. Good or bad, depending on the amount of predators in the pond. If your heart isn't set on CC, I'd leave them out. They are cheap to buy in larger sizes, and easily added later if you really feel that you need 'em.


3/4 to 1 1/4 ac pond LMB, SMB, PS, BG, RES, CC, YP, Bardello BG, (RBT & Blue Tilapia - seasonal).