Looks like you have come up against an immovable object with the fishing club and HOA. I'm going to approach this from the angle you do have under control and from the glass half full instead of half empty. My suggestions may not be good ones, but maybe they will be good enough to cause you to think of some better.

You've got food on your dock. Good deal. Improve the habitat for forage fish all you can in the immediate area you have under your control within the allowable limits of the HOA. Make your and your buddies docks BG magnets and reproduction centers.

If your docks are BG magnets, the LMB might follow suite. They are going to want to be where the buffet is. At least you will have the best fishing spot on the lake.

This will not realize your goal of trophy LMB because there is no way you can feed enough fish to improve the whole lake. But I would think you pulling in all kinds of fish from your dock should raise some eyebrows. Maybe after a year of two they will get the idea. Maybe you can lead by example.

Who knows, set the right example and you might be the fishing club president in a few years (like anyone would want that kind of job anyway) laugh

Just some crazy ideas from someone that does not do much fishing.

Last edited by snrub; 01/13/14 09:25 AM.


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