Originally Posted By: mnfish
Eating lunch and running some numbers on the pike pond...

*Those 10 pike were in there for about 200 days before the 2013 ice out. This pond has little to no structure. Very little weed cover and very clear water clarity. Advantage NP for sure. With 16" of ice cover I figure about 300,000 gallons of water.

*Assume each NP eats 1 fish a day
*10fish/day consummed
*Assume 200 days
*2,000 fish consummed by NP
*Assume 8 fish to equal 1lb
*250lbs of fish consumed

There might only be 4 NP and some darn big BCP left in the pond!!!

Could this be right? There might not be anything left to trap smile

It is said that pike have to eat approx. 7 kg fish to gain 1 kg of weight - this might help you to do some calculations.
Btw, it's also said that pike needs AT LEAST the same amount of food as it's weight is (annually). Sure, it's only for survival...

By the way, don't forget that usually there are other creatures as well - for example, frogs.