Thanks Tony! Well meaning people but I hope they base their decisions on good science and not a knee jerk reaction. The way the articles read to me the water supply is the same throughout the state. Couldn't be more wrong.

Tony did you know that the South Bend area was once a prehistoric canyon that has been filled with glacial till and has lots and lots of ground water - the most in the state? Then in parts of southern Indiana we have folks sucking water out of cracks in rock at 10 to fifteen gallons a minute if they are lucky.

On the other hand I've seen local farmers pump irrigation water while it's raining. Granted they probably need to get their soil moisture levels up and can't wait on the rain, but it's bad PR to the general public. Even a friend who is pretty much a liberatarian is up in arms about it. I jokingly asked him if he is only libretarian when it suits him. LOL

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 12/17/13 08:22 PM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.