Originally Posted By: snrub
While I realize only a small portion of us here on Pond Boss Forum have the capability or opportunity to do so, there is a lot of satisfaction in doing the work yourself and seeing the finished project turn out the way you wanted it. At least for us "hands on" kind of people there is a lot of satisfaction.

The old V8 Perkins sounds strong.

Hi snrub,
I've really enjoyed resurrecting the old Massey. I've never had a tractor this large, much less a V8! I'd never heard or seen one before I found this one! It has quite a unique sound! I'm used to the old 6-cylinder JD 4020 and 5020 sound, which is more like a purr than the roar this one has! My neighbor thought that I had bought a dragster the first time he heard it! The main reason that I went ahead and bought it was that mechanically it seemed sound. It just needed a lot of TLC from apparent years of sitting around and neglect. It had great oil pressure, ran cool, and all of the gears and hydraulics worked. It has an old Massey version of PowerShift called Multi Power that lets you shift to an extra high range on the fly. It's really convenient when hauling back and forth for the dig and dump. As you can see from the video, the 6-yard scraper gives the ole Massey about all it can handle! But as with all things mechanical, I've gotten a lot better the more I've used it. And the Massey has run better the more I've used it. I guess it just gradually got all of the cobwebs blown out.

“Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, ‘Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapeños." - J.M "Red" Spicer - Amarillo, Texas