Modest cougar populations have re-established in NE, IA and KS from SD, WY and CO. Could it be just a matter of time until they disperse into the hardwood forests in the East - provided your deer or hog populations remain high? I'd think their chances of hunting success in forests would be far better than our open prairies. Are there cougars in IN and OH?

It all started with a few rogue males traveling along the North and South Platte out of Wyoming and Colorado about ten years ago...DNR said hey, these are just young male CO or WY cats pushed out of their territory.

Lots of game cameras out this way - big deer hunting state - but don't recall anyone getting shots of cougars in NE on their cameras - it was tracks, sightings, then we started seeing them hit on highways or interstate. Keep us in the loop Eastern Pond Boss family.

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~ Henry David Thoreau

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