In the post that I linked above Kellie Duffie recommended Habitat Herbicide for lilies which from what I understand is harmless to fish.

I found this about Habitat during a search...

"Habitat herbicide controls vegetation by affecting enzymes found only in plants, not in humans, animals, birds, fish or insects. It is readily absorbed through leaves, stems and roots and is translocated rapidly throughout plants, with accumulation in the meristematic regions. Treated plants stop growing soon after spray application. Necrosis becomes evident about two weeks after treatment. Time to death of treated weeds depends on size, species treated and weather conditions at application.

I noticed that Kellie Duffie has not posted here in a couple of months, can anyone else help out here?


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)