TJ, your wisdom is timeless. Understanding is such a great bonus to having a pond. I was headed in the right direction mostly when I started my pond(S), but with the help and knowledge here on PB, I have learned about peace and science. Standing on my hill looking over our ponds brings me unimaginable peace and respect for God's work and it reminds me how lucky I am to be able to learn from such a respectful group. The knowledge I have learned humbles me. I would never have thought I would learn this much about ponds and their life cycles. From aeration to stocking to balance, there is so much you can do if you want. Or you can just sit back and watch Mother Nature have here way with your pond. It all works.

Tony, as I recall, you are the Grovertownpolusa fishing champion of 2013, how much more fame do you need?


The one thing is the one thing
A dry fly catches no fish
Try not to be THAT 10%