Something my wife has been asking for is a BIG rock along our dam at waters edge for her to sit on (and think deep thoughts I presume)for her morning walks. I think a bench would be easier but she does not have the appreciation for how much a BIG rock weighs and the difficulty of placing it on a pond bank with a full pond like I do. We will see. We may end up with a BIG rock rolling down to the bottom of the pond for fish structure LOL.

I mention this, because some well placed rocks like in the picture in strategic locations along waters edge might be a nice addition and something much easier done before the pond is full. Fire pit is nice. I have a big old combine steel tire rim I plan to use for a fire pit then rock the outside of it for looks.

Glad to hear it is starting to hold water better. Would some lime help to flocculate the clay to get it to precipitate out quicker (to plug the seep)? Also help with the water clarity at the same time?


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