So first sample 11-2-13 and a couple ton or so washed in 11-2 and 11-3. The bulk was washed in 11-9 and 11-10. It's in a pretty good heap about 30' from my sampling site. No real option for distribution of the heavy stuff at this time, but it did float out the light stuff over a fair area again all near my sampling point. Not much option there as we have ice now. Not enough to go walk on I doubt, but too much to take out a boat. I'll be up to the lake this Sunday the 24th so the bulk of it will have had 2 weeks to dissolve. Not sure when I'll be up next after that. The debate is take a sample now to see if the uptake is progressing well, or wait until later when the ice is thicker and auger a hole?

I set myself up for 4 samples, but could always extend that. Lab provides the bottles and cooler for shipping.

Last edited by Hesperus; 11/22/13 09:42 AM.