First off it's awesome that you are 89 and still doing what you do!!! That in itself is great George!! Your advise has never been off beat or meant to harm in anyway. As others have said you bring a LOT to the table. Your HSB advise is priceless buddy! Everyone has a tiff every now and then. We are all adults here and friends that's what makes this site so cool. That doesn't mean I agree with everyone all the time and that just human!!

If you leave I will be sorry you did sir, but let me say THANK YOU for allowing me to learn from you and your posts on this site! Sorry I have never got to meet you in person sir!


Last edited by RC51; 11/06/13 03:57 PM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!