This Forum is not a democracy it is owned by PB and Bob and Mike can say what they want and are not subject to the same rules as us. Note Bob talked about water rights but he did not come on the Forum and do so. Plus each of us is free to talk about anything we want in public or other Forums , just not here. Trust me we have had long discussions about this and there are very good reasons to avoid controversial subjects. Just one example is data indicate that when two people start arguing on a Forum other people don't like it and tune out then leave. This is especially true of viewers vs. long time posters. We are trying to grow this site with new people who start as viewers. This has been proven both by survey data (marketing) and personal experience (you should see the PMs when it starts here).

If one wants to argue about politics and public policy there are very many forums in which to do so - and you should join in there. I bet you will soon see just how angry and nasty it becomes. Go to any news source web site (CNBC , Bloomberg , Fox , CNN ) take your choice and find a political story and then read the viewer comments below it and get a glimpse of how it works (and note those sites are program monitored with posts deleted or not allowed (use the wrong word and the post is rejected or deleted)). If it weren't you would really be shocked by what people say when the disagree or get angry.When you see this from all sides you quickly understand why this country is so divided and angry and why Washington is the same way. Its a reflection of us no more no less. We don't need that here IMO. PB is a quiet , calm place of learning and sharing when the storms are raging elsewhere.

Last edited by ewest; 10/31/13 09:19 AM.