Originally Posted By: RichieRichG
Awesome points, thank you.

PH? I'm not concerned with what it is. If the PH is conducive for healthy fish, I'll have a healthy fish pond that I might swim in once in a while. A crystal clear pool/pond is not what I'm after.

The pond I have is somewhat kidney shaped and measures about 80' X 12' and sits on about two acres.

What I'm really after is a nice, natural, way to get/keep the pond clean and healthy enough to not be an eyesore and receptive to an occasional swim.

As best I can tell, someone came over with some digging equipment, made a hole, filled it with water and said, "Voila! A pond!". I've owned it for about 5 years and do my best to keep surrounding run-off to a minimum, keep as much twigs, leaves and other detritus out of it, and installed an aerator a little over one year ago. It's all helped but what I currently have is a somewhat "cleaner" "mudhole".

One point you mentioned, and that I thought of but had no info on, was how much water needs to be pumped through the filter. This point alone may be a requirement that I am not willing to meet.

If you (or anyone else) has any better ideas for me, please do share.

Thanks again!
I agree with you 100 % . What am i gonna do with a pond which doesn't even have fish in it?

And why to be worried about fish poop and filtration? Will fish poop kill you? Besides, fish poop has nothing to do with the clarity of the water(it is a natural fertilizer but fish poop is never a big factor in algae).

And you actually need some fish because of 1 important reason: They will eat dead insects and bugs. I personally hate it when huge dead coachroaches or sometimes scorpions floating dead in the water while i am trying to swim.

Last edited by Fatih; 10/28/13 07:42 PM.