I agree with Theo that this may be a great way to attack FA. In my pond I have at least 8 varieties of frogs and thus pollywogs. When they are in there, they help maintain the FA along with the appropriate areation. But one thing to think of as well is that depending on what your goals with the pond are, once they become frogs, they love to eat all the small fry and minnows they can get their mouths on. I have seen a few varieties of frogs chase my minnows around and come up with a mouth full.

In my mothers ornamental pond ( about 5,000 gallons and 4.5 ft deep ) she has introduced a bullfrog pollywog in there and it took care of the FA. Fast forward 2 years and the frog now stays in the pond and she no longer has issues with the coy or goldfish over populating the place because the bullfrog eats all of the young.

One thing to consider is when the pollywog becomes a frog it either needs some sort of mud/dirt/ ..etc to burrow in to overwinter or it will not make it and or it needs a way to get out of the pond so don't cover it otherwise you may find a frog floating in the pond come spring time as well as a water quality problem due to the decaying frog. In natural ponds like mine the frogs find a spot to winter over, in liner based ponds they generally don't have the conditions to hide or winter over well.

If all your looking for is a FA eater and don't care how often you have to replace it, I would say a bullfrog pollywog is a good bet because they can stay in pollywog form for up to 2 summers depending on water temp and conditions.

Good luck!!

1/10 - 1/4 acre pond plus 16 ft deep/ Plus 40 ft by 20 ft by 6 ft deep koi and fathead minnow pond next to it. Upstate NY