Originally Posted By: fish n chips
Originally Posted By: esshup
I don't think LMB will get the results and here's why. Sorta same scenario, except the pond is much larger, at .8 acre. Overrun with stunted BG, Goldfish and Bullheads. 2-3 years ago I removed somewhere between 1,500 and 2,500 stunted BG, around 700 goldfish and a couple hundred bullheads. No LMB were observed in the pond, and none were caught the previous year by the owner. We stocked 125 8" LMB, IIRC in early June, then about a dozen LMB in early Fall that were between 2# and 3#. Next Fall there were 5 Tiger Muskies stocked.

There's still Goldfish in the pond............. The LMB are fat and happy, and at least one TM was seen earlier this year, roughly 36" long.

Thanks for entertaining the idea Esshup. What I was trying to get a feel for is would one LMB (because of larger size) prefer to eat a goldfish over a frog. Much like a LMB would prefer a YP instead of a BG. My thinking is that I think Greyhound wants to save the frogs in the best possible way. I don't think it would ever eliminate the goldfish.

Yes, I will deal with goldfish to keep my frogs. But, I was hoping to reduce the population. I wondered if perch would not be as capable of eating the frogs, although I have no idea how big they get! I don't want to make my fish problem worse is all. If I can use additional fish as a biological control with few downsides, great. But it there are too many unknowns I might stick with the enemy that I know.