Originally Posted By: Bill Cody
Nice start. Since you got a late start growing and to get good or better use of the plants before it gets cold use short maturity plants like lettuce, herbs (basil, dill, sage, etc), or maybe peppers?.

You're not kidding I got a late start! Just one of those things with so many other priorities.

Well some of them are peppers. However the raft tank is destined for a high school green house to hook up to an RAS I started for them a couple of years ago. I'll get it back when the school year ends in May.

Depending on how far along the plants are and what the teacher wants to do, we may just move the plants WITH the raft tank. I've got about 100 yellow perch YOY that will be in their tank this year. In the past it's been bluegills.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.