My compressor is rated at about 6.5 CFM AT 90 PSI! Now, I have my line pressure cranked DOWN to about 4PSI(I am guessing here because it is not a low pressure regulator). I am making that guess because of the depth of the diffuser at around 7 FT (who knows, maybe it is 6 with all the muck down there?) is what a lot of the commercial pump folks call for.

As for the bleed off, I have no idea how many CFM are contained in a 20 gallon tank, at 125 PSI, dropping down to 80 PSI before recharging. Even though I'm pretty familiar with the stochastic atmospheric pressure at 14.7 PSI.

Haven't had a chance to spend the time, capture a video, and post it on YouTube but I am *happy* with the results and from where I was they are impressive.


On another note, the way I know how this is working is that I actually sat in my garage, with my cell phone (android) stopwatch and timed the compressor run time and time between recharges.

When I first cranked this up, at about a 7 minute recharge time the bubbler was holding the brick off the bottom of the pond and "floating" so I was running WAYYYYYYYyyyy too much air through it.


As for Watt load, the only way anyone will REALLY know is to turn off every freaking thing on a breaker panel EXCEPT the compressor, kick it on, and get the meter start and finish readings.


Sorry if I seem a tad frustrated by the amount of cynicism over something that I can go out to my pond and see the dramatic difference in less than 2 weeks.

Watermeal and Duckweed used to completely swamp the entire pond surface so that you could not see ANY water. Water was black and smelled foul. Could not see more than about 3 -5 inches below the surface. Today, about 1/2 duckweed and watermeal. Foul smell is gone. Yesterday I looked and was shocked that I could actually see about 15 - 18 inches into the water and although a bit of a "tea-like" tint it wasn't black and nasty anymore!

Last edited by woodb01; 08/19/13 05:47 PM.