Wow what a difference a couple of weeks can make! Hate to say this folks but I got to my land on Saturday and my pump would come on but was not pumping very much air. frown It finally died after 4 years 12 hours a night. Not bad for a 100 dollar pump! So with that said I am sorry but can't give you any data from my pump. What I can tell you is this. Below is a video of the pump Ted sent me THANK GOODNESS he did cause he saved my butt or at least my fishes butt's! smile THANKS TED!!! It hooked right up and took off like a champ in almost 8 feet of water. My pond has come up quite a bit in the last few weeks as you can see on this video that white structure I have is almost all back under water now.

So what to come of this? I think it's simple. Vertex fusers need more air to make them work verses diffuser express fusers more than likely due to the slit size on the membranes. My slits are 1mm Vertex are .5mm so it's a bit harder to push air through them. I did not do any testing with the Vertex fusers as my pump was toast and we already know the pump Ted sent me won't push them past 4 or 5 feet. I don't think that makes my air setup wrong or not correct I still think 1mm slits are doing just fine on my pond and moving my water great. Once again I still believe mis managment causes more fish kills than a certain type of air setup to a certain point. You just have to manage around what you have and it will work fine to a certain degree of course. Am I pushing my pump to the max at 8 to 10 feet? Sure I am but for 100 bucks with 4 years of work out of it I'll push it all day every day.


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!