Cecil I have evolved, or degraded, from what one usually thinks of what a pond should be. I sometimes read a book at the pond only to put it aside because the pond is more exciting. Just the other day I was watching a flying insect pestering a large bullfrog, flying and landing all over it's face including its eyes. I expected it to be a meal at any time, but after a few minutes the frog swatted the bug with it's front foot then dove under water. In the past I have only seen one Kingfisher at a time diving from a tree into the pond but a few days ago I watched two perform acrobatics all over the pond, mating perhaps. I have watched only the female Red Wing Blackbirds land on the spatterdock and gather bugs and eat the tiny seeds from cattail fuzz. It's a mystery why the males don't do this. I am constantly surprised at what the pond shows me. Great entertainment.