To Ted Lea: I had to smile yesterday when remembering your caution flag after my initial post of using cutrine plus for fil. algae rafts in my pond......."Good Luck PS I would hang on to that other gallon of Cutrine as about 6 weeks is what I have seen Cutrine be effective for.At your depth I imagine that algae is alive and well on the bottom and will surface as it gets enough o2 to do so.".......Well, you were right. You were off about a week on the timing.

This morning I sprayed another 4 gallons of 9:1 cutrine around the perimeter.

I haven't seen the grass carp since I put them in.
They may be eating escargot instead of algae.

As far as mercury is concerned, the wife said that she doesn't care if we're looking at the after effects of Chernobol, she doesn't want to look at a cesspool.

Tom Parker