Sounds like a cool project Trooper - I like your fishery plans. Few observations:

Bear in mind GSH in my SMB/YP fishery tend to compete negatively with YP for forage [including pellets] and you might be better served trying to establish your forage base without them at first with all your other species instead. I relate from direct experience once you stock GSH you'll be hard pressed to extirpate them without a presence of a predator whose gape allows adult GSH predation [like LMB or CC], which even your top end SMB will likely be unable to accomplish. I have fished with nosehooked live line 8" GSH many times and only the largest HSB can handle them [25"+]. If your spotfins and lcs don't establish you can always toss in 50 adult GSH at a later date and they'll establish quickly.

Curious on your goals with the addition of clams to the fishery - can you share your thoughts with us?

5:1 slopes are pretty gradual - just bear in mind excessive shallow clear water will likely result in some submerged vegetation management issues down the line. Likely you're already aware of this, just wanted to mention it.

Tell us more about your project - I'm pumped for you as a fellow cool water species fan!

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~ Henry David Thoreau

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