Like fish said, welcome to Pond Boss!!

Depending on how much time you spent fishing and with what baits and at what depths, times, etc., it's probably not enough to know whats really going on in the pond.

Depth sounding of the pond is, I think, a major factor in deducing if the pond can produce for you across a broader spectrum of goals. It's also one of the things you can definitively do in a meaningful amount of time, when considering purchase of a property. OF course, water testing can/should be done also.

My wife and I were out today scoping new potential properties. I brought some fish feed with me and threw it out at one place. Eventually, I saw some 3-4" bluegill. This was only spending 10 minutes at the water. Spend a few hours, and you'll see more.

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."