I have read a few times now that algae like water that is not balanced. The algae that I have is one that likes high alkalinity. My PH is 8.2 even after 100# of alum powder. There is others that like acidic water that like to grow much faster.

Just my thoughts and opinions is that it is natures way of balancing out what is out of balance.

I have had the same idea of you on the circulation. My back side of the dock has all the floating algae. My thoughts were to wire up one or two circulators to move that water more. I just scoop out what I can morning and night. My water temp is in the 82*F range during peak day time temps and down to 75*F in the morning.

I thought that if I had more circulation the algae would not be able to form but I think it would just hide the problem till it really hits and comes on even stronger.

I really do not know just what I have observed in my short time of having my pond. I hate smelling the earthy smell when sitting on my dock watching the sun set.

Cheers Don.

[Linked Image from corvettejunkie.com]

7/8th of an acre, Perch only pond, Ontario, Canada.