I have multipal problems with my pond and have had since purchasing it 3 yrs ago. I have posted here before with vitals but will post them again to let you know what I'm facing. My pond is 45 yrs old, avg 8ft depth, 2.5 surface acres, located in central Iowa, surrounded by trees 80%, field tile runoff, was once used as a watering source for cattle lot adjacent to it maybe 20 yrs ago. I lost base fish in 1999, and restock in 2001. I restocked again last fall w/ BG & CC from IADNR. I have a decent hatch of BG and released LMB the end of June.

I have problem with Duckweed/Watermeal, and Coontail, and now the filamentous algea is starting to bloom over the Coontail.

Question; Is this such a bad thing? I think it will prohibit the coontail from getting worse by means of blocking the sun from the plants.

I tried to keep up with the spraying of Duckweed/Watermeal but at $160 per gal it got out of hand again and didn't seem to make a dent in it when I was spraying. I have concidered the flouridone mixture but have to much change over this year to use it.

Comments welcome, and appreciated!