I agree with what the others are saying. But if you want catfish, get em! that's the beauty of ponds you can add whatever you want, just try to keep it in balance. With as small of pond as you are planning, you may only be able to add few of some species. Look up some old posts on carrying capacity to get a better idea of that.

I would buy my fish from a different supplier closer to home.

One issue no one has addressed, is water. Will you rely on rainwater or do you have capability to add water if needed?

As for talking to your county agent, it wont hurt, however I find most agents in my areas know little about fish. and will just print out generic stocking guides available on the internet. I feel they are too generic and outdated. Personally I feel there is much better info on this website from some of the members, especially the ones who do it for a living! Your state may be different when it comes to county agent info!

Finally if it was me, based on the size of the pond I would for sure make it a trophy bream pond! Add a few bass to control numbers, start a feeding program, then start culling females. Before you know it you will have SEVERAL 1 lb. bream and some even larger! If that interests you we have plenty of old threads on how to do just that!


Last edited by jakeb; 07/02/13 12:08 AM.

Get out and fish.