Your water will likely be plenty fertile if created from that soil, given the usual effects of alfalfa and its requirements for growth. You should have plenty of algae for 02 production, even if you don't see anything that really looks like a "plant".

Do you have clay with which to form a relatively impermeable liner for the pond? And what will be your water source?

Going back to a couple of your other questions:

SMB would be fine in such a pond, but you should be able to have LMB if you'd prefer.
As mentioned above, I don't think you'll need an aerator. A pond of 8-10feet depth would be unlikely to winterkill at those temps, IMHO, and even if you have ice for significant periods, as long as it isn't heavily covered with snow, probably won't run into winterkill problems.
Hopefully someone will chime in who knows more about your climate will chime in shortly.