FILAMENTOUS ALGAE-now even looks like pollen/algae build up. ANYONE know of someone who can come out and look at my ponds to get me on track?
I have two ponds both about 1/2 an acre each with an avg 6 ft depth.
I have tried an array of products from , CrystalPlex, to Rodeo, to Cutrine +, to CopperSulfate, to BLue Dye,etc...
Over the past couple of years I have seen Algae and Broad leaf weeds Die and multiply. The Ponds do have noneffective grass carp and Coi (SP) Bass and Cats. I really want to eliminate the algae to a managable problem.
I am considering ariating/pumps/fountains???
My ponds currently have 2% blue dye in it, many fish, and 4 baby ducks.