Great information in the above posts. I have a SEVERE Curleyleaf Pondweed problem here in Southern Michigan. It is covering approx 60%+ of my 7 acre pond and is so thick that you cannot get a boat thru it. In priority order....#1-that it is a leagal product to use in water, #2- that it is effective and #3- it is fairly reasonable in I reading correctly that Aquathol Super K granual would be my best bet to bring it under control? (The $325 a pint products are absoutely out of the question on my retirement pension.)
Assuming that I am able to locate the Aquathol would treating approximately 25% of the problem area at a time be too much? I don't want to put too much stress on the bass and walleye.
Or would aquatic 2,4-D be a better choice?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Mistakes are proof that you are trying.
