JKB (sorry I did not answer quick been battling infection last couple of days). First I would like to say while I wish I could have planned it all the way it happened as some came about by accident. I have an pic from this winter when I started to redo some of my piping. I will attach and can explain how it works. I originally set up to divert water 3 ways by adding the first piece you see with the plastic caps screwed in right where it comes out of the well (before the well was every turned on and found we had double the volume expected). I knew I wanted my main line on the top 90 you see installed. Well the first time we turned the well on after everything was hooked up we seem we had air bubbles in the water which was something we where trying to get a little of. When we walked back up to the well we discovered that the caps I had left loose where also making a sucking sound. Instead of blowing water out around the caps (which it will do just a little when first turned on with the caps loose) the set up when primed in operation has a suction there. We assumed this was because of the volume of water falling without resistance. Also is you look to the right edge of the picture of the pipe that is a larger diameter pipe runs up over the smaller pipe and is just slid over it with a gap between the pipes. We did do this on purpose figuring the volume of water moving into the slightly larger pipe down hill would create a suction to add air and it did.
As far as gas venting that occurs further down the line where I add chemicals & dye to the well water before the water enters into the pond.

Attached Images