Originally Posted By: dave in el dorado ca
historic......unlikely, but thanks ken. i've missed you guys.

did jhap really post today as well for the first time in a while? that is an intriguing coincidence. i havent spoken to jhap for several months, but just had a voice in the back of my head telling me to check out pondboss today.....maybe my gold tooth was picking up GSF association encrypted radio waves or some such.......

i think about you guys alot but just havent been in a playing mood i guess. my pond is not in good shape, lack of water. i did stock 4 (hopefully all female) lmbs this spring to terrorize my little ones, but i fear the pond may not make it this summer. we had the driest january through april on record and my pond is down 4 feet already........on a normal year the current pond level is like august or september, and we just entered june with at least 5 months of no rain ahead...crap...

anyways, i also wanted to check in to see how the oklahoma pondbossers (and others) fared since the tornadoes, my thoughts were with all you guys potentially affected across several states.

bedtime. check back tomorrow some tin me.

Dave, we have missed you - it worries me when my "virtual" friends disappear - good to hear from you and JHAP as well!

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)