Originally Posted By: outdoorlivin247

I have actually been asked to write blogs for a couple of forums I used to frequent because I love to share my stories...

The problem is exactly what you guys are talking about... Didn't pay attention in school and lack the ability to write properly...So always declined because I am embarrassed of my use of proper grammer and punctuation.

Livin....don't mind us. You should totally write for those blogs...2 reasons:
1) your writing is fine.

2) the # one takeaway i took from being an editor is realizing that the intended audience isn't me. Im just there to help the writer communicate to his actual audience, the readers. Impressing guys like me (or even making their job easier, for that matter) isnt your job, nor should it be something you are even marginally concerned about. If an editor, or even a reader is that picky that you need to worry about it, they are not worthy of being your audience, and are what i like to call a "shcwanzbag."

If you like telling the story, someone will LOVE reading it. Go for it, man.

Trying to help with 7.5 Acres in the Chain of Lakes Illinois
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The fish would stay out of trouble if it could just keep its fool mouth shut.
Turns out there is a lot I should be learning from the fish.