Originally Posted By: Dave Willis
Well, RC, what you have here is a lesson for budding young fisheries biologists. For bluegill, PSD is the percentage of 3 inch and longer bluegills that also exceed 6 inches. So, your PSD is 100. What does that mean? Well, I would want my students to come to the realization that angling doesn't provide a random sample of all sizes of bluegill in the pond. The sample is biased "high," because your sampling gear probably isn't going to catch a 3-inch bluegill?

Now, not to make this more complicated, but we also look at more length evaluations than just PSD. In this case, of your 20 bluegills, 7 (35%) were 8 inches or longer. This is desirable from a fisheries management persepctive.

When were the fish stocked? That might help us guess whether you still need some time to reach the upper limit of growth potential.

Hey Dave thanks for your input on PSD and size ranges and all that can get kind of fuzzy in the head that's for sure and any help would be great. I stocked these fish in 2010, and started feeding them AM 400/600 in 2011. I now have caught a few CNBG that are hitting 9 inches and we even caught one a couple weeks ago that was 10.5. I do have some nice looking bass in the 17 inch range to help with keeping the 2 to 4 inch BG's in check also.


P.S. Whats amazing to me is the difference in size from a 6.5 inch BG to a 8 inch! Wow what a difference! The 8 inch is so much thicker and taller and just all around big compared to a 6.5 inch.

Last edited by RC51; 05/29/13 12:53 PM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!