Wingsy, just a hunch but your muddy water may be from a combination of recent rains, the grass carp you stocked, your new aeration systems, and the digging you did along the pond.

Looking at your jug picture your water clarity is not really that bad, you can still see the label on the other side of the jug. My guess is that if you give it time it will clear up all on it's own by fall. One of my friends got some BIG rain last year that washed out his small pond and muddied it up very badly, he had a river 30 yards wide going over his dam. He asked me a lot of questions about alum and how to treat it afterwards. He never did treat his pond but after 5 months it did clear up on it's own.

Alum is used primarily by water treatment plants and can be purchased in 50 lb. bags very reasonably, finding a place to buy it is the chore. When I did my pond I talked with a chemical specialist at one of our local Ag Co-ops and they were able to order it in for me but the first few people I talked with didn't have a clue what I was looking for.

Last edited by Shorty; 05/22/13 03:18 PM.