I have been searching for information on this and have become a bit overwhelmed! I am new to pond ownership and in need of advice.
Our scenario:
We have 1.5 acre pond about 60 years old. It is triangle shaped and 15' deep at the dam and tapers down to just a couple of feet deep on the far end. It had been neglected for about the last 30 years and was in terrible shape when we bought the property. Lots of algae, water meal and muck on the bottom. No fish in the pond just frogs and turtles.
We drained the pond, cleaned up the dam, installed a new drain pipe and dredged about 3/4 of the muck out once it dried up this past fall.
The pond has since filled up and we have stocked it per DNR recommendations.
We have had an algae bloom in the last couple of weeks and would like to get things under control.
I have have been told aeration is the way to go but can't decide which type would be most effective. We do have a farm panel right next to the pond so electricity is not an issue other than cost.
I was considering a windmill but have since started to question that.
