Originally Posted By: fish n chips
JKB, That just sick man, just plain SICK. Glad I could help.. eek crazy smile

..I was all set to actually try this today, perhaps I will wait a few more days now. sick

Sorry F-n-C, but at least it wasn't a couple of Moo Rare Ribeye's. Those really crank out the crazy dreams laugh

Safe tonight tho. Pork Tenderloin, well before bed time wink

I have spent many hours of research on building a Cold Smoking facility specifically for Coho (Pacific Salmon) and Steelhead. All the equipment and gub stuff. Been a while since then. Got an older puter fixed which should have everything on it. Have a bunch of Stainless Steel in storage for the smoker. Sold the freezers and a bunch of other stuff tho, which I could kick myself for doing that.

Sometimes life happens and your plans get detoured or changed.